Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Kitchen Gardening

1: Beets:
This kind of variety grows well in small spaces – however, if you want best results try to grow “Red Ace” type. You need to have a pot, which has at least 12 inches depth so that beets can grow freely. Within such a space, you can grow up to six different plants. If you want to have more, opt the baby beets.

 Cole Crops:
Cole crops include cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage; these are the easiest vegetables to grow in containers. However, you should not plant lot of types in a single pot otherwise, they will not be able to grow.

It is your right to have juicy and fresh tomatoes; you can certainly grow them in pots. However, you must try first a dwarf variety like ‘Bush Big Boy’ in a 5-inch deep container. The popular dwarf varieties are;
Cherry tomoto
Plum Yellow
Window Box Roma
All these varieties fit perfectly in smaller size containers and pots.

 grows most quickly in well-drained soil rich in organic matter such as compost or composted manure and with a pH of 6.5 to 7. In order to grow spinach twice a year, plant it about 4 to 6 weeks before the last frost in the spring, and again 6 to 8 weeks before the first frost in the fall.
 seed is technically a fruit containing two seeds in it. So the round thing that you see has two seeds in it. Each of them will grow into a coriander plant. The fruit can be sown whole or split and sown. When split, it increases the germination rate since it scarifies the seed.

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