Friday, December 4, 2015


Fish naturally produce the nutrients that plant need to thrive. In an aquaponic system, fish are kept in tanks and their waste is collected at the bottom. This waste is then pumped through a filter to make it into ready food for plants. The plants are set up in ‘grow beds’, which allow the roots of the plants to dangle in water absorbing goodness from the fish waste, while the leafy heads absorb the goodness from sunlight above. 

Most of the hard work that you need to put into your aquaponic system takes place in the first month, when you will need to regularly check ammonia and PH levels after which the system requires only basic maintenance, so you can sit back and start to enjoy the fruits (and vegetables) of your labor. Also, after the initial set-up costs, an aquaponic system requires very little in terms of financial input. So growers can reap huge rewards. 

It is soilless, effortless, and completely revolutionary. Magic!

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