Sunday, December 6, 2015

What is a Green House

  • A Green House is a structure covered with a transparent material in which various crops are grown under a system of farming know as Protected Cultivation
  • The Structure is also referred as Glass House / Poly House, depending upon the Cladding material used. Under Green House Technology favourable Micro Climatic conditions are created suiting to the crops raised.
  • Green House Protect the Plants from adverse climatic conditions such as wind , low temperature, rainfall, excessive radiation, extreme temperature and pests.
  • Green House Technology facilitates off –season production of crops to realize higher returns.

Advantages of Greenhouses :

basic requirements in cow
  • Ensures multi-fold increase in crop output compared to open cultivation
  • Facilitates year round production of selected crops.
  • Mitigates impact of adverse climatic conditions in respect of certain type of Green House.
  • Facilitates substantial control of pest & diseases .
  • Facilitates optimum utilization of all inputs.
  • Facilitates raising of off-season production of crops.
  • Aids in Nursery Propagation, Hardening of Plants.
  • Facilitates High-Tech Cultivation Practices like Hydroponic , Aero-panics and Nutrient Film Techniques.

Greenhouse Type based on Shape

  • Lean type greenhouse.
  • Even span type greenhouse.
  • Uneven span type greenhouse.
  • Ridge and furrow type.
  • Saw tooth type.
  • Quonset greenhouse.
  • Interlocking ridges and furrow type Quonset greenhouse.
  • Ground to ground greenhouse.
basic requirements in cow basic requirements in cow basic requirements in cow

1. Green house type

1). Green house type based on Utility
basic requirements in cow
  • Greenhouses for active heating.
  • Greenhouses for active cooling.
2) Green house type based on construction
  • Wooden framed structure.
  • Pipe framed structure.
  • Truss framed structure.
3). Green house type based on covering material
basic requirements in cow
  • Glass glazing.
  • Fiber glass reinforced plastic (FRP) glazing 
    i. Plain sheet 
    ii. Corrugated sheet.
  • Plastic film 
    i. UV stabilized LDPE film. 
    ii. Silpaulin type sheet

2. Low Cost or Low Tech Greenhouse

basic requirements in cow
  • Low cost greenhouse is a simple structure constructed with locally available materials such as bamboo, timber etc.
  • The ultra violet ( UV) film is used as cladding to cover the roof and sides.
  • Increasing or decreasing the temperature and humidity mostly by opening side walls.
  • Suitable for cold climatic zone.
  • Suitable for high value vegetable crops during off- Season.
basic requirements in cow basic requirements in cow

3. Medium Tech Green House (Semi- Automated)

basic requirements in cow
  • Less expensive compared to High- tech GH.
  • Control possible manually/ Semi- automated.
  • GI material can be used for frame work.
  • Exhaust fans, thermo- stat to control temp.
  • Cooling pads/ mist system to control humidity.
  • Sun light control by regulating shade nets.
  • Need more attention in operations.
  • Suitable for Dry & composite climate zones

4. High – Tech Greenhouse (Fully Automated)

basic requirements in cow
  • Fully automated controls.
  • Less attention in operations.
  • Uses computer software for controls.
  • More initial cost.
  • More suitable to high end applications (Floriculture, Hydroponics/ Aeroponics).
  • Requires assured availability of power.

5. Shade net Greenhouses

basic requirements in cow
  • Suitable for commercial nurseries / vegetable crops during hot weather .
  • It provides protection from excessive sunlight, heat, cold, wind, frost, and hailstorm.
  • It also offers protection from insects, birds etc.
  • Low Cost of construction

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